Consulting Services

Business Structure

Whether you are starting up in business, buying rental properties, or planning a subdivision we can provide advice on the correct business structure. We look at this from a taxation point of view and also asset protection and your personal circumstances. We review existing structures to ensure they are still effective, considering any changes that have occurred during the year.

Business Acquisition and Sales

When clients are considering buying or selling businesses and franchises, we carry out feasibility studies and due diligence. We can assist you with the negotiations in purchasing or selling businesses.

Business Systems

A good accounting system is essential. We do not endorse one particular product but will work with you and recommend one that will best suit your business. Once a decision has been reached on the software we can assist with the set-up and implementation. The most common software packages being Xero and MYOB Accountright Live. Both being subscription based.

Budgets and Cashflows

We can prepare Cashflows, projected balance sheets and supporting assumptions for businesses planning future growth. This is extremely useful for both new and existing businesses and assists in bank financing applications.

Succession Planning

We encourage clients to think about early succession planning to maximise their returns on their business. As part of the succession planning process we assist in putting the processes in place in getting businesses ready for sale.

Specialist Tax Advice

Your tax obligations may change over time due to changes in your business and personal circumstances or as legislation evolves. The right advice at the right time can make all the difference.

We work across a range of industries and businesses, including public and private companies, foreign-owned entities and family-owned businesses.

We will not only guide you through the legislation, we will also help you find the best solution both from a tax and commercial perspective.